A third generation family operated farm and ranch dedicated to producing
quality hay, cattle, and premium Angus beef.


We are the Huntzinger’s – a third generation family farm operating on the desert sands of the Royal Slope in Eastern Washington.

We have built strong and proud reputation for agriculture production of premium Alfalfa and Timothy hay for export. Irrigated ground also allows the production of dry beans, corn, wheat, and mint. For the past eight years we have also been selling our ranch-raised beef to friends, neighbors, family and now ship nationally. Our operation is still a family business and most days are spent with kids in tow in raking hay in an alfalfa field, checking mama cows for new baby calves or grilling up our ranch-raised Angus beef.

We believe strongly in the future of agriculture and hope to leave a legacy for our future generation that not only respect the land and all the hard work and passion that it ignites, but can teach others about what it means to grow food and feed the world. Now, a little more background on our history.

Alan, Ashley, Alison and Brynn Huntzinger (2021)


In Yakima, 1939, Irvin Huntzinger and his wife June established a sugar beet farm and dairy. Later in 1948, Irvin, his brother Don, and father Frank purchased a ranch located on the Columbia River near Vantage. It was there where he and June raised their two children, developed more land, dug new wells, and grew alfalfa on several hundred acres. They resided on the ranch for 17 years until the construction of Priest Rapids and Wanapum dams prompted them to sell. They then moved on to purchase a farm on the Royal Slope.

Irvin and James Huntzinger (1943)

The Legacy of Irvin's Farming Tradition Lives On

James, Irvin's eldest son, followed in his family's footsteps and focused mainly on hay production and cattle operations. He carried on this legacy until 2006 when his son, Alan, assumed responsibility as the third child of four. Jim still works side-by-side with his son Alan as he checks on the cattle and bales hay with his tractor, but now he also finds time traveling with his wife, Karen, or playing with his grand kids on the farm. Karen continues to be the glue that holds her family together, she always finds time to make lunches, and serve Sunday dinners. She enjoys visiting with her family, knitting with friends and traveling to see her grand kids.

Jim & Karen Huntzinger (2021)

“As long as there are a few farmers out there, we’ll keep fighting for them.” - Willie Nelson

Meet the Farmers: Alan and Alison's Journey

In 2006, Alan began his full-time work on the farm and since then, he has made significant changes in farming operations. He has diversified crop selection, added more acres, and increased the cattle herd size. To further expand the business, Alan plans to develop a feedlot, enlarge and expland the custom trucking service, and acquire more land.

In 2010, Alison moved from Wyoming and has since been responsible for sales and marketing of their direct-to-consumer premium Angus beef program. Over the last nine years, the DTC program has been refined, and they now run the cow-calf operation for efficient and premium Angus beef production.

The family of four, including Ashley and Brynn, reside on the ranch with their furry companions Sugar, and five farm cats, and one lamb – Ashley’s 4-H project that she couldn’t quite let go. They welcome visitors to stop by and take a tour of the farm and ranch, so don't hesitate to drop by if you are ever in the area.